Friday, September 9, 2016

Week 71

     Well its officially fall. It has been getting cold in the mornings in Durango. We have a good supply of hand warmers and blankets and a working heating system in our home. So we are ready for fall and winter! The mountains are turning all sorts of beautiful colors now. Fall is my favorite time of the year.
     We have been doing service for members this week by helping them pick their apple trees. I love harvesting. Its just like we were going to Carvers Farm in Washington. :D We even got to keep some to eat. 
      Sister Porter and I are having a lot of fun working together. The other day she sneezed and hit her head on the steering wheel and made the horn go off. XD don't worry we were in a parking lot.We make sure to record all our funny moments to look back on for a good laugh.
The stake had a devotional activity for just the women." to be called woman" It was supper organized and the spirit was so strong. There were lady's who were asked to represent women in the scriptures and some woman leaders of our day like Sister Hinkley. The part were a pioneer woman told of her story really touched my heart.
We are working on building a bond and a trust with the members of the ward. One of the families are from Moscow Idaho. we talked about the story of Elijah and It was brought up in sacrament meeting this Sunday. The father was sitting in the front row and made a point to turn around and point at us sister missionaries sitting all the way in the back of the chapel. XD it made us laugh pretty good. 
um there was a few other things that have happened but my time on the computer is limited so maybe next time. I love you all and thank you for taking the time to read this. Have a great week!!! 

I went on exchanges with Faith & Hope Christensens cousin. Small World!

Our District went on a hike
Sister Porter my flower child Companion.