Well the sad news is that my companion Sister Prichard had to go home due to medical problems. So the pattern continues with all my companions being sent home or I'm training them. She is niw the 5th Sister I have sent home. Let me tell you it's not fun. I love that Sister so much! She is going to do a lot of good back home in Georgia. She will forever be an amazing missionary.
Because of all that I had an emergency transfer. As I waved goodbye to Sister Prichard in the airport I met up with my new companion Sister Anderson. Who knows what the upcoming transfer will hold for us. Sister Anderson is from Manasa Colorado we were both surprised that she was sent up to the northern part of the mission being that it is close to her home. Church for her this Sunday was just a little too weird for her.
Sister Anderson is amazing! Together we have been tearing Durango apart. It makes me so happy after being cooped up in the house for over a week. Work, work, work and work is what we have been doing. Sister Anderson taught me a saying " till you die plus one" which means keep going until you drop dead tired then go the extra mile (or door). We have decided to cut our lunch breaks to have more time to work. I take naps in the car for my lunch breaks. We feel good but exhausted. In two days we had 5 lessons with non-members, all by knocking on doors we now have 3 new investigators!
We helped with a couple of activities this week as well as helped set up and participated in a musical that taught the plan of salvation. The Pagosa springs Sister missionaries put it together with the help of their ward. The stage was the flatbed of a semi truck in the church parking lot. A lot of people came even less active and non-members.
The next day we went to MTC camp in Bayfield. We taught the priests and laurels how to tech the restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ to an investigator. It was a lot of fun roll-playing as people we have known and taught in real life. The future looks bright for future missionary work.
To sum up this week, it was amazing and eventful. You know you gave the Lord all you've got when you get home so exhausted that you can barley see anything. I love being a missionary! I wouldn't trade this time for anything else. I love working side by side with my savior and readeemer, Jesus Christ.